This is a Guest Post by Gagandeep Singh

A pay per click campaign is a great way to get some quick quality traffic for your website. Just create an account with Google or any other advertising network, put some money in your account, bid on keywords, write ad copy and you are set. But is it that simple? Unfortunately, no! A successful PPC campaign with a good conversion rate and positive ROI demands lot more than that. Here we’ll highlight five important things which you should do to make your PPC campaign more successful.

Highly Relevant Landing Pages – The success and failure of your online campaign depends completely on the success and failure of landing pages. The more relevant landing page is, the higher the conversion rate & quality score and  less you have to pay for the same amount of traffic. The traffic you get from PPC campaigns is always looking for some specific things, so make sure to make your landing page relevant to the ads you are using to attract traffic. Try to use the same keywords in title and body of your landing page which you’ve used in your ad copy so that your visitors can get the feeling that they are in the right place.

Highly Targeted Ad Groups – Google allows you to have 2000 ad groups per campaign. Split your keywords in to more targeted ad groups according to their theme and create separate ads for each ad group targeting that specific group.

Broad Match is Not Always Bad – If you are already using Adwords or studying about it then you must be aware about all three keywords matching options – broad, phrase and exact. Google uses broad match as the default option, which means if you are targeting keywords “blue widgets” your ad will be shown for search queries like “ How to create blue widgets” , “ I hate blue widgets” etc. On the other hand, in exact match you ad will be shown only when somebody search for “blue widgets” specifically which means that it will not be shown for queries like “ cheap blue widgets” “buy blue widgets” etc.

Although, most of the traffic you get from broad match is not as relevant as you get from exact match it sometimes helps you to identify some hidden gems keywords which you had ignored earlier.  Just make sure that when you use broad match you use lots of negative words.

Negative Keywords Are Very Important – Time and again, we see the companies putting lot of effort in doing keyword research but completely ignore the negative keywords. Negative keywords are the words that will stop your PPC ads from being shown if they are present in the search query. Let’s day you sell blue widgets and are using broad match option in your campaign. Now your ad would be displayed for queries like “I hate blue widgets” or “How to sell blue widgets” or “Free blue widgets” etc which will affect your CTR (click through rate) and eventually will reduce your quality score. So the best solution to this is to put such keywords like hate, sell, free in your negative keywords list.

Geo-targeting is Important – Geo-targeting can save you a lot of money if your offer is localized. Geo-targeting your campaigns will help you to show your ads only to the users from specific locations based on their IP information.

Okay. These are the five things I feel should be done to make PPC campaigns successful. Do you think there are other must-do actions you must take to achieve PPC success? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments below.

Gagandeep Singh is writes for Invesp about affiliate marketing, landing pages and conversion rate optimization.