
Google Adwords Tracking – Keyword Level

keyword level tracking

Continuing with the Google AdWords tracking series, today we’ll talk about keyword level tracking.

Check out the other  AdWords tracking posts:

Campaign Level Tracking

Ad Group Level Tracking

Text Ad Level Tracking

Now here’s Matt’s take on keyword tracking:

Matt Levenhagen

To me, this is the most important tracking area.  This is where you can have dramatic affects on your bottom line. One keyword if neglected can soak you for a lot of costs if you aren’t careful.  And one specific keyword could boost your profits tremendously overall if you know it exists and you determine it’s responsible for bringing in the sales. Knowing that information will allow you to make profitable decisions about it.

The most important thing for someone to get down pat when they get started with Adwords is learning how to gather detailed tracking information about each keyword. This becomes even more important with broad and phrase match.

The way broad and phrase match are served is they can be added to and modified depending on the search environment. So what you see in the interface is only part of the story. You MUST use tools to determine exactly how they were modified, exactly what was actually plugged into the search by the visitor so you can make better decisions.

By knowing exactly what was searched, you can use that information to add negative keywords to the mix and also to find more ideas for phrases to test in Adwords.

Also, on this level you do need to consider some of the Campaign Level stuff like geographical considerations and what networks and search sources each keyword is successful on.

Make sure to check out Matt’s Adwords training forum for more detailed information regarding your AdWords campaigns.

Google Adwords Tracking – Ad Group Level

A few days ago, Matt Levenhagen  talked about Adwords Campaign level tracking and today he is following up with Ad Group level tracking.

What is an Ad Group, anyway?

Each Campaign is broken into what’s called Ad Groups.  They contain common keywords that you group together.

On an Ad Group level you create and manage your ads, default bids, you’ll be able to do bulk changes for that group and more.

As far as what you need to track on this level, the most important things you’ll track are clicks, impressions, conversions, costs and overall CTR of that batch of keywords.

All these stats you can see listed when you go inside the campaign in your Adwords interface and they can also be downloaded into the “Adwords Editor” to manage.

AdWords Editor is a free Google application for managing your ad campaigns. Use it to download your account, update your campaigns with powerful editing tools, then upload your changes to AdWords.

Your Ad Group stats provide a bird’s eye view of each keyword grouping and can help you direct your efforts and make profitable decisions as to where to spend your time or to help you determine what needs to be managed on that level.

The Ad Group is what you might call an “early warning system”.  If there are sales coming from it or you see some sort of actionable stat like a spike in clicks, from there you drill down to keyword level inside that Ad Group to really get a deeper understanding what you need to do with each individual keyword.

You can lean a lot more from Matt and his methods from the campaign blasts forum.

start building your AdWords business today!

Free Niche Research: Grand Piano

Today’s niche is Grand Piano: a little more competitive, but oh, so worth it! I’ll explain later how you can really find success with this niche.

Top 10 Highest Paying Keywords(from the Google keyword tool)

grand piano repair $6.95

grand piano parts $4.70

grand piano lamps $3.56

grand piano rental $2.60

grand piano bench $2.43

grand piano lamp $2.22

Steinway grand pianos $1.83

Wurlitzer baby grand piano $1.82

Steinway grand piano $1.80

baby grand pianos for sale $1.78

Top 10 Most Searched Keywords(all phrases are exact matches in Google)

grand piano 40,500

baby grand piano 18,100

grand pianos 5,400

Steinway grand piano 5,400

Yamaha grand piano 5,400

baby grand pianos 3,600

digital grand piano 2,400

Kawai grand piano 1,900

Yamaha baby grand piano 1,900

square grand piano 1,600

Steinway baby grand piano 1,300 (this is so good, I had to include  it, so you get a bonus)


You can learn about pianos from their own sites, from,, etc.

Here are some public domain books about pianos that may be useful:

Piano Tuning – A Simple and Accurate Method for Amateurs

How the Piano Came to Be

Possible Affiliate Programs has many foam grand pianos listed, as well as piano music, piano benches, piano books, piano sheet music etc. has lots of piano and piano accessories, and a 5% – 10% commission, depending on number of sales you make. offers 7% commission.

Monetization Suggestions

This niche has huge AdSense payouts on some of the keywords, so there are lots of opportunities if you like writing and don’t mind doing some research, or have a good ghostwriter.

Or, you can create mini niche sites revolving around the different piano types.

Here are some examples that don’t have copyright issues:, .net & .org are all available: gets 1300 exact searches a month., .net & .org are all available: gets 880 exact searches a month., .net & .org are all available: gets 1300 exact searches a month (lower price point, but probably a lot easier to sell) & .org  are available: 1600 exact searches/month. & .org  are available: 1300 exact searches/month., .net & .org are all available: gets 720 exact searches a month.

The above are very targeted domain names, and you probably need only a few pages for these sites. Visitors coming to these types of sites already know what they want to buy.

Let me know if you have any questions. And if you enjoy my free niche research every Friday, please let others know. There is a tweet button below.

Thank you.

Google AdWords Tracking – Interview With Matt Levenhagen

step-by-step affiliate marketing with AdWords

After the Google AdWords Interview I did with Lynn Terry a couple of days ago, the tracking issue came up. So, I decided to ask Matt Levenhagen, my AdWords mentor to explain how AdWords tracking really works.

I asked Matt 4 questions:

• 1. What is the difference between campaign, ad group, text and keyword tracking?
• 2. Are they all necessary?
• 3. How does tracking help you make more  money?
• 4. Any tools you recommend to make it easier to track?

And, of course, Matt didn’t disappoint: his answers are very thorough, and give great information. He actually wrote an entire report, an I decided to split it into multiple posts here, as to give you the opportunity to digest it in small, bite-sized chunks and ask any questions you may have.

1. What is the difference between campaign, ad group, text and keyword tracking?

It depends on what you control on each level as to what you track on those levels. And there are different tools or sources you’ll use to determine how you collect and act on that data.

Campaign Level – You’ll track things like…

• Locations, Languages, and Demographics
• Networks, Partners
• Ad Scheduling related

Those 3 things for example are controlled only on a campaign level. If you want differences, you need to split up your campaign into multiple ones. For example, if you determine you want to target multiple countries in different ways, you’ll need to create more campaigns.

Some of this information is simply gathered from your Affiliate Program and/or Network reports. You sometimes are given the information as to where the purchase came from, when they bought the items etc… And you can take those trends and change your geo targeting or ad scheduling to improve your profit situation.

There are also 3rd party scripts that help you collect that data. I have scripts that collect where conversions have come from; so even though I don’t get that in that affiliate programs reports, I can collect that data myself by intercepting that traffic before it gets to the merchant’s site.

I can also determine if I’m just getting the sales from Google or their search partner. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve determined that search partners didn’t convert at all, but was where most of my spend was coming from.

These are definitely things that can save you a lot in terms of costs and increase profits.

There you have it: Campaign Level Tracking!

Thank you Matt: excellent info about campaign level tracking. I especially want to thank you for the tip about Google search partners: we definitely wouldn’t want to leave a huge leak in our campaigns.

You can learn more from Matt at his Campaign Blasts Forum, where he teaches everything you need to start building an incredible, Profit Pulling Affiliate Marketing Business. He not only answers questions there every day, but shows his members how to go from keyword research to campaign expansion, and even holds campaign blasting challenges, which is how I found my PPC success.

start building your AdWords business today!

Next, look for Ad Group Level Tracking.

Super Affiliate Handbook – A Success Story

super affiliates handbook

Not too long ago, Lynn Terry invited Rosalind Gardner to her weekly webinar. The room was packed, and the information Rosalind shared was amazing. But what impressed me the most was how much the Super Affiliate Handbook helped Lynn in her business. So, I decided to ask Lynn  a few questions about her experience with Rosalind’s teachings.


My Question: Since we are talking about the Super Affiliate Handbook, what is a super affiliate? And if I am not a super affiliate, does that mean I won’t be able to benefit from Rosalind’s eBook?

Lynn’s Answer: This is a great question. There is not a standard definition for “super affiliate” and a lot of people define it differently. Some will tell you that super affiliate status is based on specific income numbers, such as minimum $10,000/month. Others will have different ways to qualify the term, such as how long you’ve been an active profitable affiliate marketer.

Once you start showing up on the leaderboards for your merchants, which are the Top 10 or Top 20 affiliates in terms of traffic or sales, you can pretty much consider yourself a Super Affiliate. Many merchants offer contests and prizes to top sellers, so it’s a nice position to be in. The affiliate prizes can get quite nice – from electronics to cruises, even!

In any affiliate program, it’s the Top 1% that make the majority of the sales. Those are the Super Affiliates.

To answer your second question, no – you don’t need to be a super affiliate to benefit from Rosalind Gardner’s super affiliate handbook. In fact, it’s very newbie friendly and one of the absolute best places to start if you’re interested in affiliate marketing.

I was doing affiliate marketing for several years (on the side) when I first read it, almost 6 years ago. That guide is actually what took me from being a part-time affiliate marketer… to a successful super affiliate 😉

My Question: I know you’ve owned the Super Affiliate Handbook since it first came out. How has it benefited your business? And are you still using the methods you learned from it?

Lynn’s Answer: It made a dramatic difference in my business. And yes, I am still using Rosalind’s methods on a regular basis. It’s probably the one guide that really stuck with me more than anything else.

The major difference it made was in helping me go from an active business model (get paid for what you do, or trading time for dollars) to creating a passive income model. Meaning set up the site, and then it starts working for YOU. I make affiliate sales while I’m asleep, away for 2 weeks on vacation, out to lunch, etc. THAT is a great business model!

I’ve continued to use her methods, and duplicate the processes, to the point of having thousands and thousands of web pages on the web across a wide variety of niches. That didn’t happen overnight of course, but something I’ve been building on strategically for the last 6 years. I was making money with her model in the first few weeks though.

My Question: Can you give me one specific tip that you got from the Super Affiliate Handbook which made a difference in your pocket?

Lynn’s Answer: I think the biggest thing I got from Rosalind Gardner was that affiliate marketing is a business model. I had always looked at it as easy money on the side, in addition to other things I was doing, but she really showed me the other side of it.

Another thing I picked up from her guide was that merchants and affiliate managers are people. They’re in business to make money just like I am – and they’re open to feedback & negotiation. That alone has made a big difference over the years. I no longer just accept a decline notice from an affiliate application – I contact the affiliate manager and ask for reconsideration. I also don’t hesitate to ask for coupon codes, interviews, or whatever else I might need to sell more product for them.

My Question: Would you still recommend Super Affiliate Handbook today? Why?

Lynn’s Answer: Absolutely. The number one reason is because she continues to update it, so you’re always getting fresh relevant information no matter when you download it. You’ll get the updates as well, just log in and download the new version. It’s hard to find a publisher that goes to that length to keep her readers informed and active.

I recently read the latest edition of the Super Affiliate Handbook, and fell in love with it all over again. It’s thorough, chock full of real site examples, and it left me motivated and inspired. I launched 2 new affiliate sites the same week I read it again! 🙂

Thank you Lynn for your candor. And way to take action! For those who are reading this now, what are you waiting for? Get your own success story right now by checking out the Super Affiliate Handbook.

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