how to choose a niche

Free Niche Research: Wireless Keyboard

free niche research

I just got back from Jamaica at 1AM this morning, and found I couldn’t get online. Not only was my DSL broken, my son started to update my computer just before we left, and didn’t finish, so I have no access to my documents, where I have my list of niches to tackle here.

So, I went over to Google products to see what people are looking to buy now, and Wireless Keyboard stood out. Let’s see what opportunities we have in this niche!

Top 10 Highest Paying Keywords(from the Google keyword tool)

wireless computer keyboards $2.60

wireless computer keyboard $2.53

blue tooth wireless keyboard $2.52

gateway wireless keyboard $2.40

wireless keyboard security $2.33

wireless laptop keyboard $2.07

wireless keyboard sale $1.91

ergonomic wireless keyboard $1.89

wireless ergonomic keyboard $1.89

wireless split keyboard $1.87

Top 10 Most Searched Keywords(all phrases are exact matches in Google)

wireless keyboard 110,000

wireless keyboard and mouse 60,500

wireless keyboards 12,100

wireless mouse and keyboard 12,100

Logitech wireless keyboard 8,100

wireless keyboard mouse 8,100

Microsoft wireless keyboard 5,400

mini wireless keyboard 4,400

wireless keyboard touchpad 4,400

wireless keyboard with trackball 2,900

Check out some of the more popular electronics forums, and see what questions people are asking: then, give them that information on your blog/site.

As for where you can find information about this niche, I would subscribe to some industry magazines and stay up to date on everything. Merchants are also a good source of information: just ask them and they will be more than happy top help you sell their products.

Possible Affiliate Programs
Yes, has offers for this niche too: wireless keyboard with touchpad, Logitech wireless keyboard, Microsoft wireless keyboard and more.

Make sure you check out & for a wealth of affiliate programs.

Monetization Suggestions

Computers are popular these days, and as the Technology advances, people need information about how to use the new technology, where to find it, etc. This is where you come in: create a blog with lots on information  about these wireless keyboards, and include the beta places to buy them from (with your affilaite links embedded, of course)

Here are some domains available for this niche now:

WirelessKeyboardTouchpad .net, .org, .biz & .info get 4,400 exact searches a month., .biz & .info get 2,900 exact searches a month. & .info get 1,900 exact searches a month. & .info with 4,400 exact searches a month., .net, .org, biz & .info, with 1,300 exact searches monthly. & .info have 9,900 exact searches a month., biz & .info have 6,600 exact searches a month. & .biz, with 6,600 exact searches monthly., .net, .org, .biz & .info, with 1,000 exact searches a moth.

Some great possibilities! If you need help researching  further, or keyword research for your own niche, give me a shout!

How To Choose Your Next Niche

It seems as though many of us struggle with picking out a good niche to concentrate on. Here are a few ideas of how to go about finding that elusive profitable niche you want for your next site:

Start by making a list of topics you are interested in and/or passionate about. Don’t rush this process, and don’t try to “think” to much. Just let your thoughts flow and write down everything that comes to mind: you’ll have time later to trim your list.

Once you have your list it’s time to see if there is a demand for the topics on your list. Head on over to the Google Keyword Tool or the Free Wordtracker Tool and do some keyword research. The Google tool give you monthly results, while the Wordtracker tool gives you daily results.

You are looking for topics with a good number of searches. What is a good number of searches? It depends: if the key phrase describes a broad topic, even if your phrase gets a few thousand searches a month, it may be hard to rank for that phrase, and the traffic may not be as qualified. But if the key phrase shows commercial intent, as few as 20-30 searches a day may be all you need.

For example, if I search for “bread machine” I get the following:

bread machine keyword research

As you see, there are 234 searches a day for that phrase, but I would rather go for one of the more specific phrases this search uncovered: Zojirushi bread machine, Welbilt bread machine, Oster bread machine, etc. These more targeted searches, while having less searches, show that the visitors know what they want. I’d probably dig deeper, and search for model numbers for those bread machines, and concentrate on those.

After you find the keywords you want to use, it’s time to research your competition. Go to Google and look at the top 5 sites: check to see how many back-links they have, how large and/or established their site is, how often they update it, etc. How easy/hard would be for you to acquire the same amount of links? Could you get better quality links? Could you do something different to stand out from the crowd? Will you be able to provide lots of content for your niche? If you can do those things, then you may have found your niche.

There is one other thing to check before you go buy your domain name: can you make money in this niche? Are there good affiliate programs for your chosen niche?

If you need a head start on the process of finding new niches, stop by here every Friday to see the new niche research for that week.