This week I was checking my stats for this blog to see how I was doing ( BTW, it’s been the best month since I started the blog, with 3781 unique visitors and still a few days to go).

Anyway, back to finding keywords quickly: as I was looking to see who sends me visitors, I saw this link: And since I haven’t seen this before, I thought I’d take a peek. Let me show you what I discovered:

keyword  report for my online business journey
Go ahead: click on the image to see it full size

It’s showing the organic keywords I rank for, and in which position, AdWords competitors and their positions, organic competitors, and so on: lots of great information.

But what I wanted to show you is how you can quickly get a list of keywords for your niche by checking out your competition. Let’s take an example: for example, if I wanted to promote nursing necklaces, I could go to, enter my key phrase and see what happens.

nursing necklace keyword research
Look what I got in just a few seconds

I now have information about volume search, CPC, competition, related searches, organic results and AdWords results.

What I did next, was click on sites that ranked organically to see if I spot any new key phrases. And I do. I clicked on a few of the sites from the list above, and below you’ll see what I learned.

From this site, I learned about a couple of new keywords: mommy necklace & breastfeeding necklace.

More key phrases associated with my niche: teething necklace, teething bling, teething jewelry. While these key phrases are not exactly for my niche, they give me an excellent opportunity to write articles or blog posts for my audience.

I poked around some more and found nursing beads, breastfeeding jewelry, breast feeding necklace (see the different spelling), and even booby beads: all related to my niche.

So far, this took me all of 5 minutes to do. Now, I am going to take my new-found key phrases, and head over to the Google Keyword Tool and plug them in. Ta-da! I now have over 30 keywords I can work with: write blog posts, create a review, write a few articles to submit to directories, guest post, etc.

The niche I choose here is tiny, and even so I came up with lots of key phrase’s to use. Try it in your niche and you’ll be busy using your new information  for the next few months.

I’ve done all of the above with the free version, but there is a much more information if you get the paid version.

2 comments on “How to Find Keywords Quickly”

  1. Foarte buna idee…ceva asemanator am gasit la Alexa, dar aici e mult mai complet raportul si include si competitia. Asta e primul post care il citesc , inceputul e promitator 🙂

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